Student Forms
Required Forms
New Charter Students must submit:
Child's birth certificate
Immunization record or religious exemption document (Required Vaccinations List)
NC Health Assessment completed by child's pediatrician
Proof of NC residency (utility bill, mortgage or lease agreement)
All Charter & Preschool student parents must submit each school year:
Annual emergency information & health update via Infinite Campus parent portal
Technology Access Survey
New and returning 7th graders must submit:
Updated immunization record or religious exemption document (Required Vaccinations List)
Optional Forms
Permission to Walk/Bike Home From School
Must be completed each school year if you would like your student to walk or bike home.
Address or Contact Change
Please make any address, email, or phone number changes in your Infinite Campus parent portal.
Student Preferred Name Change Form
Let us know if there is a change in your student's preferred name, as indicated on enrollment documents. Preferred names will be displayed on progress reports, EOG/MAP/mClass test reports, class rosters, email addresses, etc. By law, legal name will be on any legal document (such as official transcript).
Request for Excused Absence for Educational Reasons
Must be submitted in advance of the absence. Note that for an absence to be excused for educational reasons, the intent of the experience should have been educational from the outset and comparable to that which the student would have experienced in school. Students in 3rd grade or older will not be excused during the mandated EOG testing window (last two weeks of school).
For excused absences for illness/injury, medical appointment, religious observance or death in family, please email or bring in a note to the Main Office within three days of the absence.
Medical Forms
Permission to Administer Medication at School
Please complete if your student will take any medication - even over-the-counter medications - at school or on a school-sponsored field trip or sports practice/game. Medications must be stored in the Nurse's Office or with the classroom teacher (in case of emergency medication). Requires parent & physician signature. Must be completed each school year.
Please complete for students with asthma. Requires parent & physician signature. Must be completed each school year.
Please complete for students with a severe allergy. Requires parent & physician signature. Must be completed each school year.
Sports Forms
Gfeller-Waller Concussion Statement Form
For all students participating in a school-sponsored sports team/club. Must be signed by both student and parent.
NCHSAA Preparticipation Physical Form
Must be completed by a physician for all 6th-8th graders participating in a school-sponsored sports team/club. Good for 13 months.
Woods Charter Liability Release Form - Ultimate Team 2023-24
For students practicing on the Woods Charter fields (ie, Ultimate Team)